About Meghalaya Institute of Governance (MIG)
The Meghalaya Institute of Governance (MIG) was created as one of the institutional support mechanisms of the Meghalaya Basin Development Authority with a vision to facilitate the political system, administration and institutions for effective, efficient, accountable, responsive and transparent governance for the benefit of all citizens.
Its mission is to serve as a focal institution to guide governance reforms, improve governance structures and processes, promote citizen centric governance, document and disseminate success cases and best practices in governance. MIG strives to be among the very best in the world in the area of administrative initiatives, institutional reforms and multi-stakeholder partnership to foster growth-oriented and people-centered inclusive governance.
Governing Body of MIG
The Governing Council at MIG, to whom the management of the Society is entrusted, as required under section 5 of the Meghalaya Societies Registration Act 1983 as applicable to the State of Meghalaya.
Enlisted below are the members of the council:
-- Chairman
-- Vice Chairman
-- Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member Planning Department
-- Principal Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member Forest Department
-- Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya Member, Public Health Engineering Department
-- Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member- Water Resources Department, Soil & Water Conservation, Forest and Environment Department, Planning Department
-- Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member- Agriculture Department, Fisheries
-- Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member- Personnel Department, Fisheries
-- Secretary to the Govt. of Meghalaya- Member- Information and Public Relations Department
Focus Areas of MIG
The focus areas of the Institution are:
Simplifying Governance
-- To assist Government Departments in improving the quality of services and value for money to citizens by simplifying the process of service delivery, reducing administrative and non-productive expenditure and using e-governance tools.
Human Resource Management
-- To identify the key factors leading to ineffective and inefficient human resource management across the public service and to develop solutions to solve these problems;
-- To address the issue of ethics and morality in public management and governance in accordance with the good governance and probity in public life frameworks;
-- To support the Government Departments in developing and implementing human resource management plans and embedding new structures and approaches to HRMS;
-- To ensure timely administration and delivery of justice by bringing in judicial and legal reforms.
Information and Technology Sharing
-- To apply tools of information technology to simplify cumbersome processes and procedures of government departments and agencies and to reduce the interface of the public with government officials;
-- To provide domain support covering function, functionaries, finances and fields for development of meaningful e-applications and to link information systems across departments for improving the efficiency of the government machinery as whole.
Change Management
-- To develop effective change management training modules for delivery by government departments.
-- To understand change management programmes for public functionaries covering such as Citizen’s Charters, leadership, team work, motivation, action planning, performance management, human resource management, financial management, technology adoption and over and above a paradigm shift in the attitude and behavior.
Strategy, Performance and Innovation
-- To support the creation and operationalisation of Strategy, Performance & Innovation Units (SPIUs) in key Government Departments to assist them in fulfilling their role in leading governance reforms. To collaborate closely with SPIUs to help them deliver Departmental reform action plans through the use of MIG and other resources.
Responsive, Citizen – focused Services
-- To ensure that the people have a strong voice in the governance of the State and local bodies, through developing participatory mechanisms in the planning, delivery and monitoring of public services, enhancing decentralization, promoting better management of common property resources, conserving the environment and ensuring inclusiveness of the poor and disadvantaged.
Monitoring and Evaluation
-- The institute will be the nodal agency for monitoring and supervision of overall governance improvement initiatives taken up by various Departments and realization of expected results. It will provide technical support to the Departments to establish improved governance system and making it work for the benefit of the people. The institute will collaborate with any independent agency/agencies to facilitate the monitoring and supervision process of governance improvement.
Research Studies and documentation
-- The institute will commission different research, studies, assessment etc. from time to time to understand the governance issues at different levels. Based on the findings, it can streamline the strategy of dealing with such issues in due course in a collaborative manner. Independent agencies will be collaborated with to take up such initiatives on a long term basis.